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A Better Life

As we know oil is a finite resource and is running out, PET bottles which are made from oil are now seen as not only bad for the environment, but also our well being. The complete alternative is FUTUR.E, the bottles made completely from plants, a completely sustainable resource. We have created a 100% plant based bottle from a substance known as PLA (Polylactic acid) a substance derived from sugar starch, commonly found in sugar based crops.


Method we are using to solve the problem

FUTUR.E Realized the overwhelming amount of fossil fuels consumed globally and the real need for a sustainable solution. We focused on a solution that would be future smart and biodegradable. Our bottles are made up from the starch and similar carbohydrates found in plants which made it environmental friendly. By using what nature has given us instead, we ensure a sustainable, greener future for your planet. Where other products needs industrial composting facility, our FUTUR.E products can be in composted back yard of your home compare to others. This makes the FUTUR.E Water Bottle the best alternative of plastic products.



Production / Decomposing Bioplastics can be made from many different sources and materials: Plant Oil, Cellulose, Corn Starch, Potato Starch, Sugarcane

Our bottles are made by nature and returned again to nature. They will then biodegrade completely in under 150 days. Another end of life option for our bottle is that it can be cleanly incinerated as the fumes are non-toxic and this is a globally used method to produce energy


FUTUR.E ORDER PRODUCTS BAGS PACKAGING CUTLERY YOUR PRODUCT Convert an existing plastic product—or create  your own

FUTUR.E helps brands create single-use products and packaging from earth-friendly materials, protecting a world that needs it and championing a generation of consumers that demand it

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